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My new short film “OPEC-TOBISMOL”. ( Work in progress ). Creative process and development.
This video shows a little of my creative process in the development of my new short film OPEC-TOBISMOL; In which I am flying solo in the entire pipeline; and mixing different stylistic ideas (including the music) that caricatures various political situations under one story. Some videos are password protected and viewer discretion is advised. Password: UCF2018
Este video muestra un poco del proceso creativo en el desarrollo de mi nuevo corto OPEP-TOBISMOL: en el cual estoy trabajando en solitario en toda la realizacion y en el cual mezclo diferentes ideas estilisticas (incluyendo la musica) para caricaturizar varias situaciones politicas que se unen en una sola historia. Password: UCF2018
This character is also part of my new short-film OPECTOBISMOL (still work in progress). As I mentioned before I do the entire pipeline from concept to modeling, texturing, lighting, rigging, compositing and editing.
Female Android Character for my new film “OPEPTOBISMOL” .
Once I finished modeling I'am Running some deformation tests using proxy geo before final skinning / Probando el rig y viendo que tal la deformación antes del skinning final. This character is for my new film OPECTOBISMOL. Below: Testing the facial rigging of the same character / Abajo: Probando la configuracion facial del mismo personaje.
A quick composite test after tracking camera footage for match moving and integration. And starting to animate.
Running some render tests. It could look pretty realistic if I don't over deform the mesh.
But I also like this cartoony version done by pushing the rig attributes.
​Testing my new rig for my new short film “OPECTOBISMOL”. Probando un nuevo rig para mi film “OPEPTOBISMOL”
Testing another Character Rig
​Character # 2 . Rig deformation test #2
Hand deformation test for my film OPECTOBISMOL
Barb Wire Character test WIP for my film OPECTOBISMOL
From mi next film "OPECT-OBISMOL" (WIP). This character is from a scene called "LA DIALECTICA" (WIP).
As I mentioned before I do the entire pipeline from concept to modeling, texturing, lighting, rigging, compositing and editing.
Riot Cop Rig Test . Testing rig and lights
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